Home » Best Natural Ways to Treat Hair Loss

Best Natural Ways to Treat Hair Loss

Hair loss is a major problem that has been affecting everyone across the world. Hair loss is due to various reasons and some of the most common ones include the role of genetics, age and other environmental factors.

It can affect your everyday life and cause to become complex. If you are suffering from hair loss and are losing your sleep over it then you need to consider some proven and effective home remedies that will help you treat hair loss.

You also need to understand that it takes time and patience to reverse hair loss. So, there are several natural ways to treat hair loss and they have to be tried and tested before you find the best one for yourself.

Natural ways to treat hair loss.

Coconut oil

When it comes to treating hair loss and thinning, using coconut oil is an excellent home remedy. Coconut oil is known to be an amazing hair conditioner.

It has the best moisture-retaining capacity as compared to any other oil. Coconut oil not only moisturizes and cleanses your scalp. It also easily penetrates into your scalp and manages hair fall.

Massaging coconut oil on the scalp can also help increase circulation and rejuvenating hair follicles.

Read alsoNatural Hair Care Products

Natural ways to treat hair loss with Coconut oil

Aloe Vera Natural Ways to Treat Hair Loss

An effective treatment in order to stop hair shedding is using aloe vera. It can balance the scalp’s pH level, hence crush the aloe vera leaves to extract the gel, message your head with the gel gently, now let the gel work for some hours, rinse it off using lukewarm water. In order to achieve maximum results, repeat the treatment twice in a week.

Natural ways to treat hair loss with Aloe Vera

Mustard seed tea for Hair Loss

It is believed that mustard seed tea stimulates the growth of hair in people who are affected by premature hair loss and is proven very effective home remedy to treat hair loss.

To make mustard seed tea you will have to boil a cup of water in a stove and then add a teaspoon of mustard seed. Simmer the seeds for at least 3 minutes and drain the water.

Natural ways to treat hair loss with Mustard seed tea

Garlic Natural Ways to Treat Hair Loss

Using garlic for bald spots is also a good remedy for hair loss. Rubbing garlic on your scalp removes toxins and will also stimulate the flow of blood to your hair follicle.

You can directly rub it before you go to bed so that it can absorb into your scalp fully. You can also apply garlic with some olive oil on the bald spots. Results will show within a few weeks.

Natural ways to treat hair loss with Garlic

Prevent Hair Loss With Eggs

Eggs are a rich source of protein and sulphur. Protein treatment once a week is necessary for those with excessive dry hair and it egg mask is one of the most natural ways to treat hair loss.

Create an egg mask by taking an egg white and mixing it with one tablespoon of olive oil to form a paste. Apply this on the entire hair. Leave it for about 20 minutes and wash off with shampoo. You can use this remedy to fight hair fall and achieve healthy shiny hair.

Natural ways to treat hair loss with Eggs

Fenugreek Seeds

Fenugreek seed is a common natural way to treat hair loss and thinning. Soak fenugreek seeds overnight in water and rinse your hair to get rid of dandruff and have maximum hair growth.

Natural ways to treat hair loss with Fenugreek Seeds

Henna Leaves Natural Ways to Treat Hair Loss

Henna leaves are used for hundreds of years to boost the condition of hair. Henna seals the hair cuticle and strengthens the roots of the hair. It additionally provides your hair a soft texture.

Grind recent henna leaves with water to create a paste and apply it on hair. Leave it on for a number of hours and wash it off.

Natural ways to treat hair loss with Henna Leaves

Green tea to Treat Hair Loss

Green tea is loaded with antioxidants that job well in treating hair loss and initiates new growth similarly. Brew tea leaves in a very cup of water and permit it cool slightly. Put them on the hair and leave it for an hour. Rinse completely after for slick and healthy hair.

Natural ways to treat hair loss by Green tea

Onions Natural Ways to Treat Hair Loss

Natural ways to treat hair loss with Onions

Onions are enriched with the content of sulphur. Thus, onion juice can really help growing hair since sulphur tend to boost your blood circulation. Additionally, it also prevents any infection of the scalp, making the hair stronger at the same time.


This article is written by Ali Haider. He is a young freelancer who loves to write about fashion, beauty and lifestyle niches. Ali is passionate and dedicates most of his time to his work. He is enthusiastic to serve creative writing intuition for diverse clientele in the content writing world. He is a regular contributor of stylezco.com. You can find him on google+ and follow him on facebook.

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